+49 (160) 95492408

Information about X.CERT

X.CERT, Zertifizierung, Zertifizierung Software, ,


Since the end of the 1980s, there has been a tremendous worldwide development in the field of quality management system certification according to ISO 9001. Today, the quality (ISO 9001), environmental (ISO 14001) and occupational health & safety (ISO 45001) frameworks are universally required and accepted and recognized in all sectors worldwide. Today, certifications are often used voluntarily to present the establishment and successful maintenance of a corresponding management system to the outside world.

X.CERT®was founded by Martin Stumpe in Rottweil (Baden-Württemberg) in the fall of 2016 to help customers implement these requirements and demonstrate them with a corresponding certificate. The founder has been active in the field of management systems on the topics of quality, environment and occupational health and safety since 1990 and works as an auditor for various globally active certification companies. The company headquarters was moved to Oderwitz (Saxony), because the region needs manpower and offers optimal bases for the training of labor and skilled workers.


Our customers are our flagship. They decide on the success and continued existence of the company. We want to recognize the wishes and future tasks of our customers at an early stage and solve them reliably in the sense of the accreditation rules.
We want to maintain goal-oriented cooperation and open communication with all interested parties. The Guiding Principles are available to all interested parties on request and are communicated by means of a notice board/intranet or by the persons appointed by the company.
We are constantly improving and optimizing our processes by responding to changing market requirements to secure our future. We see opportunities for growth in the market to provide our capabilities and innovative processes that meet customer and regulatory requirements.
We are committed to selecting suitable service providers and integrating them into our management system. We regard our service providers as partners in the solution of joint tasks and treat our service providers openly and fairly.
The qualification, information and motivation of all employees is a prerequisite for the success of the company. Therefore, it is our concern to inform internal and external employees and to support them with necessary knowledge and skills through training/refreshing. Furthermore, we commit ourselves to comply with the applicable company-specific and legal rules and to actively ensure the implementation of the Code of Conduct.


Our contact persons look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions or problems, we are always at your disposal. You are also welcome to use our contact form.

Zertifizierung, Zertifizierung Software, X.CERT, ,
Martin Stumpe
Zertifizierung Software, X.CERT, Zertifizierung, ,
Ramona Kunack
Customer Service/Marketing
X.CERT, Zertifizierung, Zertifizierung Software, ,
Philipp Petzold
Head of Certification Body & Auditor

Bereit zur Zertifizierung?

Wir zählen mehr als 7.200 Audittage bei Kunden in 60 Ländern! Wir würden uns freuen, auch Sie zu unterstützen!
Information about X.CERTProfessional Digital Fair Worldwide Certification